Yeah, We Got 'Em, So Here They Are...This is just a sample of some of our rules. A complete set will be provided to you upon your arrival at the park.
Before entering the campground please note that campers should use caution when exploring the park, especially at night. You are always required to have and use a flashlight at night. Use caution as grounds can be uneven in some areas. Always use your map and avoid walking close to the creed bed as water levels may very. Stay away from unfamiliar areas a night.
Rule #1 - Wood
No outside wood is permitted in Jones Pond. We have campfire wood for sale and can arrange for bulk deliveries for those who wish.
Rule #2 - Age Requirements
Jones Pond Campground is an adult, all-male, private membership campground for men 21 and over.
Rule #3 - Checking In
All Day and Overnight campers need to check in at the Camp Store.
Rule #4 - Checking Out...and not just the other guys
Day Campers 6:00 PM Overnight Campers 12:00 Noon You may still use the facilities until 6:00 PM. Please turn in camping passes when leaving.
Rule #5 - Driving and Parking
If you think speed kills, try 5 MPH. Think of it as a cruising opportunity. We know it's slow, but this is a campground, not the interstate. We must also ask that you do not drive on the grass and stay only on the roads. This goes for the golf carts, as well. Once you are parked at your site, stay parked!! Do not drive around the campground.
Rule #6 - Illegal Drugs
Jones Pond Campground has never tolerated the use or sale of illegal drugs on the property. Enough said.
Rule #7 - Fireworks
Fireworks / Sparklers are illegal in the State of New York and are not permitted at Jones Pond Campground.
Rule #8 - Alcohol
Jones Pond is a BYOB campground, but we do sell beer in the store. But here's the catch: consumption of alcohol to the point of physical or mental impairment is not permitted in public campground areas. Please be courteous to the other campers.
Rule #9 - Public Conduct & Respect For Others
Jones Pond has a non-public sex policy. If we can see it, it's public. We strive to make Jones Pond a safe and fun environment for all guests. Be mindful that everyone differs on what is fun for them, so don't presume they would like what you like. Please respect your fellow guests.
Rule #10 - it gets interesting
Jones Pond is a clothing-optional campground and pool. Please wear clothing where necessary; namely, in front of the row of pines at the front of the campground. You can show it off once you get to the pool.
Rule #11 - Campsite Care
Please leave your campsite as you would like to find it. Ask yourself, "WWMD" (What Would Martha Do?)
Rule #12 - Music and Noise
No loud music or screaming queens between 10:00 PM and 10:00 AM out of courtesy to the other campers. So don't throw a hissy fit if someone asks you to tone it down, just do it.
Rule #13 - Pool Area
Please obey the posted rules and regulations set forth by the NY State Department of Health for your safety and for those around you. Also note, there are no cameras permitted at the pool. For those of you from Rochester, this is not a Kodak moment.
Rule #14 - Cans and Paper
We do recycle and try to keep NY green, at least this end of it. We have recycling sheds next to and across from the camp store for Cardboard / Paper and NYS Returnables. Please use them.
Rule #15 - Glass
Glass in any form can be hazardous, especially when it shatters like a glass slipper. So pleeeease, NO glass at the Pool or in and around the Barn and Cafe. Dispose of your empties in the recycling containers provided across from the Camp Store.

Rule #16 - Other Waste
Please burn all combustibles in your fire ring and place garbage in separate bags from paper and cans. Garbage can be put in the dumpster across from the Camp Store.
Rule #17 - Gray Water
You know, the water from doing dishes and brushing your sparkling teeth. We can't have it on the ground because the chemicals seep into our well system. Please, no outdoor sinks, and please dump you waste water at the RV dump station.
Rule #18 - Trees
We have a lumberjack! And although sexy, we don't need you acting butch. DO NOT cut or remove any trees. Only the campground staff are authorized to remove trees. We have already dried and split logs for you and they are available at the Camp Store.
Rule #19 - Pets
We love our four legged friends. Pets are welcome at Jones Pond, provided you follow some common sense rules to protect both your pets and our campers. Click on "About Us" for a complete list of pet rules.
Rule #20 - Alcohol
Your safety is our #1 priority at Jones Pond. Consumption of alcohol to the point of physical or mental impairment is not permitted. If you find yourself in this situation you are required to remain on your site until it is safe to leave or contact any member of the Jones Pond team for assistance.
Rule #21 - Photography
Privacy is very important to our campers at Jones pond. Please be respectful when taking pictures. Ask if people mind having their picture taken and never take a pic or post a pic of someone else without their permission. The taking of pictures at the pool area is prohibited. Use common sense and good taste when posting pictures on social media sites.